Want an easy way to post images to Instagram from your iPad without having to start up the small iPhone only official Instagram app?

The iPad is the most beautiful way to view photos, especially since Apple brought in the retina displays some years ago.


Unfortunately Instagram has not updated the official Instagram app for the larger iPad’s screen, and as a 12.9 inch iPad Pro user, using the small iPhone app scaled up is frustrating to say the least. So here is a better way to upload images to Instagram. The iPhone only Instagram app comes with extensions to the photos app on iOS which allows posting instantly to Instagram, without needing to open up the app. So make sure you still have it installed.

I always browse Instagram in Safari, so now I pull over the photos app into split screen view (or in this case, vice versa) to select a photo to upload. After finding the image you want to upload, just hit the share button to select Instagram as where you’d like to send it. You may have to enable it first by selecting the ‘More’ option.


You’ll immediately be asked to add a caption, which obviously includes any hashtags you’ll want to add. You won’t get hashtag suggestions, though.


As soon as you’ve hit share you’ll be taken back to the photos app, while safari can now be refreshed to see the post on your feed.



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